Trauma Therapy
In trauma therapy, the two main interventions Rebeca uses in the therapeutic process are EMDR and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
EMDR Therapy is a well-researched and empirically validated therapy that can jump-start or accelerate healing from life’s many traumas. The World Health Organization lists EMDR as a first-line trauma therapy, and EMDR is recognized by the American Psychiatric Association, Veterans Affairs and the International Society for Traumatic Stress (ISTSS) as an effective treatment for post-traumatic stress. The experience of EMDR allows your body-mind to naturally process traumatic memories/experiences, untangling strong emotion from the memory—and freeing your present from the past.
Rebeca is an EDMR therapist who has taken several Advanced EMDR trainings and is on track of becoming an EMDR certified therapist, which requires further advanced training, supervision, and expertise.
A body-centered integrative body-based trauma intervention that uses somatic techniques, such as helping individuals become aware of their bodies, be able to track sensations while developing embodied resources to promote healing, empowerment, and true competency. While traditional talk therapies utilize the words of a person as the entry point for treatment, this type of therapy depends on the bodily experiences of the individual as a gateway to awareness and improved mental health.
Rebeca has been trained in Sensorimotor Training Levels 1 and 2, and is currently an assistant facilitator on their trainings
Why these specific modalities for Trauma Therapy?
The effectiveness of these approaches (Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and EMDR) for trauma counselling are supported through research and neuroscience. Specific treatment modalities are important because trauma processing doesn't mean "talking about the trauma". Modalities that engage the body and the brain in a non-narrative and non-cognitive focused ways are crucial in healing and overcoming the effects of trauma. Rebeca uses these approaches with a large number of her clients, and more specifically for those who have the experience of trauma, abuse, violence, complex trauma, developmental and attachment ruptures, post-traumatic stress, and PTSD. Rebeca's approach to trauma therapy is integrative, holistic, and client-centered.
Can I experience these modalities even if I don't have trauma?
Yes, both modalities are used for a wide-range of experiences and challenges, and for general growth, wellness, and increased well-being.
Issues that trauma therapy can address
Complex trauma (i.e., developmental injuries, childhood trauma and neglect)
Sexual abuse & violence
Experiencing or witnessing abuse & violence
Intergenerational trauma
Cultural and racialized trauma
Developmental and attachment ruptures
Traumatic loss & grief
Motor vehicle accidents
Traumatic birth, miscarriage, stillbirth.
War, military, and first-responders related trauma
Spirituality & cult based trauma